Monday, March 6, 2017

"Aha! Moments and Challenges" with Robin Craig

I think one of my Aha! moments was after many hours of work, both on my own with the text and then with Bob in rehearsal on Richard III (Robin is working on Queen Elizabeth in Richard III in the Shakespeare Scene Study) finally feeling some kind of familiarity with the character and knowing when you might be getting close. It kind of makes you buzzy. The challenge, of course, is being able to find that feeling again and when you actually get it in your body it's nice to think you can rely on it. But it takes so much practice and bravery.

The most frustrating part of any of this schooling for me has been those blasted Filipino fighting sticks. They completely defeated me. Thank goodness my dance coach has the patience of Job and generously offered to be my partner so that at least I could get the first four movements.

Robin Craig is Mrs. Jennings in Sense and Sensibility  later this season at the Citadel. 

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